Rabu, 27 Januari 2021


Materi Kelas Coding is fun

4.01 - Scratch extention project:
Music -- SCRATCH Camp 2020

4.02 - Scratch extention project:
Text to speech -- Robot penterjemah bahasa

4.03 - Game project:
Scrolling platform -- Project game sapu bersih laut (kapal selam)

4.04 - Game project:
Platform with Enemy AI

4.05 - Game project:
Racing car with AI (line follower)
4.06 - Game project:
RPG world -- mengembangkan dunia game masing masing

4.07 - Sport game with sensor audio:
Game makan kerupuk dg sensor webcam

4.08 - Game with data list:
Ramadhan Coundown

4.09 - Interactive animation for presentation: 
Animasi + game memilah sampah

4.10 - Game fishing -- Ocean hero (menjaga laut kita)

4.11 - Game with deep loop and cloning: -- game kebakaran hutan

4.12 - Mathematic race: -- Rumus phytagoras

4.13 - Basic sprite drawing: -- projek animasi

4.14 - Color principle and designing game character: 
Membuat karakter dg pixel art

4.15 - Creative project:
Developing game RPG 25 dunia

4.16 - Designing game interface: 
Template desain projek game

4.17 - Game project:

4.18 - Game project:
Jaga lapisan ozone

4.19 - Game project:
Crossy Road

4.20 - Final project/ showcase 1, 2: 
Konsultasi projek ajang lomba atau projek mandiri perorangan

4.21 - Tinkercad:
Mengenal ruang kerja Tinkercad dalam merangkai skema elektronika

4.22 - Tinkercad:
Coding blink LED, Kendali lampu LED dg sensor ultrasonic

4.23 - Pictoblox project 1, 2, 3 :
Blink LED, blink LED + sensor ultrasonic, coding lampu lalu lintas

4.24 - Pictoblox project 1, 2, 3 :
Blink LED, blink LED + sensor ultrasonic, coding lampu lalu lintas
